Miris! Korban Begal Bela Diri Malah Terancam Bui. Begini Alasan Polisi..

10 Things about Liposuction in Portland Oregon That You Should Know

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, lipectomy or lipo, is a type of cosmetic surgery that breaks down and "absorbs" body fat.
It is often used on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and back arms, calves and back.
The fat is removed by a hollow instrument known as a cannula. This is inserted under the skin. A powerful high pressure vacuum is applied to the cannula.
Liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery in the United States. More than 300,000 liposuction procedures are performed each year in the United States, with costs ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 3,500.

Fast facts about liposuction
Here are some important points about liposuction. More details can be found in the main article.
* Surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia.
* Liposuction is not a weight loss tool but a cosmetic procedure with subtle effects.
* Risks include infection and scarring
* Liposuction can be used to treat certain disorders.

Liposuction is not a general method of weight loss.
People who undergo liposuction usually have a stable body weight, but want to eliminate unwanted deposits of body fat in certain parts of the body.
Liposuction is not a general method of weight loss. This is not a treatment for obesity.
The procedure does not remove cellulite, bumps or stretch marks. The goal is aesthetic. It is suitable for those who want to change and improve the outline of their body.
Liposuction permanently removes fat cells and thus changes the shape of the body. However, if the patient does not lead a healthy lifestyle after surgery, there is a risk that the remaining fat cells become larger.
The amount of fat that can be safely removed is limited.
There are certain risks, including infection, deafness and scarring. If too much fat is removed, it can cause lumps or bumps in the skin. The surgical risks seem to be related to the amount of fat removed.

Liposuction Cost and Price

The cost of liposuction in portland oregon ranges from $ 2,000 to $ 3,500 per treatment area, not to mention the cost of anesthetics and other costs.
Liposuction or the surgical removal of fat deposits is one of the most common plastic surgery treatments that is performed today. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that nearly a quarter of the millions of Americans had liposuction in 2014. There are several methods for performing liposuction, and it can be administered as a stand-alone treatment, or in conjunction with procedures such as tuck tummy tuck, chest lift, facelift, and most body contour treatments.
The way our body reacts to a disciplined and healthy lifestyle is often "unfair". In other words, many of us participate in regular workouts in the gym and on balanced, nutritious diets, only for fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other areas. The desire, despite the body's refusal to respond as we desire, to achieve a slim and attractive body tone, drives hundreds of thousands each year to seek surgery to achieve their goals.

Recently, I performed liposuction for Tara, 49, an active woman who wanted to rejuvenate her figure. "Diet and exercise were not enough at this stage of my life," Tara said. "I wanted to watch - and, more importantly, feel better about myself and my clothes, it was worth it, self esteem was always worth the price.
If you, like many others, have decided to take aggressive stance against stubborn fat deposits, it is very important to have an in-depth understanding of the various factors that can influence the cost of treatment, rather than a difficult number used to estimate estimates. you meet. The truth is that liposuction is a very personal treatment with many variables, and there is no two identical liposuction. By learning how your surgeon's experience, the location of your practice, the extent of treatment, and other factors affect the cost of this treatment, you can make better decisions and increase your costs. Opportunities for long-term satisfaction.

Liposuction Uses
Liposuction is primarily used to improve the appearance, rather than provide benefits to physical health. Most people would probably get the same results or better results if they adopted a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy sleep plan.
Liposuction is usually recommended only if lifestyle changes have not achieved the desired results. It can treat areas with low fat and low fat content.
As an individual increases in weight, each fat cell increases in size and volume. Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in isolated areas.
People should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of liposuction with their doctor before deciding if they want to continue. Liposuction should only be done after careful examination.
The results are subtle rather than dramatic.
The following areas of the body are commonly used for liposuction:

Liposuction is more cosmetic than health-oriented.
* Belly
* back
* Buttocks
* Breast
* Inner knees
* Hanches
* Flanks (love handles)
* The cut and the area under the chin
* Thighs, both "panniers" or outer thighs and inner thighs
* Upper arms
Liposuction works best for people with good skin tone and good elasticity, where the skin forms new contours.
People whose skin is not elastic may end up with loose skin in the areas where the procedure was performed.
The person must be over 18 years old and be in good health. Those who have circulatory or circulatory disorders such as coronary heart disease, diabetes or a weakened immune system should not be liposuction.

Liposuction Advantages
Liposuction is usually performed for cosmetic purposes, but is sometimes used to treat certain conditions.
These included:
Lymphedema: A chronic or long-term condition in which excess fluid, known as lymph, accumulates in the tissues and causes edema or swelling. Edema usually occurs in the arms or legs. Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce swelling, discomfort and pain.
* Gynecomastia: Sometimes fat accumulates under the breasts of a man.
* Lipodystrophy Syndrome: Fat accumulates in one part of the body and is lost in another part of the body. Liposuction can improve the appearance of the patient through a more natural body fat distribution.
Extreme weight loss after obesity: A morbidly obese person who loses at least 40% of their BMI may need treatment to remove excess skin and other abnormalities.
* Lipomas: These are benign and oily tumors.

The process of Liposuction
Before surgery, patients must undergo specific health tests to ensure that they are suitable for surgery.
The following recommendations can be made.
* People who regularly take aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs should discontinue them at least 2 weeks before surgery.
* Women may be asked to stop taking birth control pills.
* Patients with anemia may be advised to take iron supplements.
The person must sign a consent form. This confirms that they are fully aware of the risks, benefits and possible alternatives to the process

During the liposuction operation

The process takes about 1-4 hours.
Patients may receive general anesthesia before surgery, which may take 1 to 4 hours.
Epidural anesthesia can be used for lower body treatments. In this case, the anesthetic is injected into the epidural space surrounding the fluid-filled dura around the spine. This partially numbs the stomach and legs.
A local anesthetic can be used if liposuction is performed on very small areas.
If the patient requires only local anesthesia, they may be asked to get up during the procedure to ensure proper fat removal.
There are a number of liposuction techniques.
Tumescent liposuction: Several liters of saline with local anesthetic (lidocaine) and vascular constrictor (adrenaline) are pumped under the skin in the area to be aspirated. The fat is sucked or sucked in through small suction pipes. This is the most popular form of liposuction.
Dry Liposuction: No fluid is injected until the fat is removed. This method is rarely used today. The risk of bruising and bleeding is higher.
Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL): Also known as ultrasonic liposuction, the cannula is stimulated with ultrasound. This melts the fat on contact. Ultrasonic vibrations blow up the walls of fat cells. This emulsifies or liquefies the fat, which facilitates aspiration. This method is suitable for fibrous areas such as chest, back and areas where liposuction has already been performed.
After ultrasonic liposuction, a suction liposuction is performed to remove liquefied fat.
Assisted Liposuction (PAS): Also known as motorized liposuction, PAS uses a special cannula with a mechanized system that moves back and forth quickly, allowing the surgeon to remove fat more easily.
Laser-assisted lipolysis (LAL): This method, also known as laser-guided lipolysis, requires the use of tumescent fluid. It is a less invasive and bloody procedure than the traditional method of liposuction to remove fat. A small tube is inserted through a small incision to bring laser energy and heat into the fat under the skin.
After surgery, the surgeon can leave the incisions open to allow excess fluid and blood to flow out of the body.

After liposuction

After surgery, the patient may experience deafness in some areas.
Anesthesia: Those with general anesthesia spend the night usually in the hospital. Those who have undergone local anesthesia can leave the hospital the same day.
* Support bandages: Either an elastic support corset or bandages are adjusted for the target area.
* Antibiotics: They can be given immediately after surgery.
* Analgesics can relieve pain and inflammation.
* Stitches: The surgeon will remove the stitches in a follow-up appointment.
Bruising: Significant bruising may occur in the target area.
Deafness: Deafness may occur in the area where the fat has been removed. This should improve in 6 to 8 weeks.

Liposuction Results
The results of liposuction become clear only after the inflammation has been removed. In some cases, it can take several months. Most swelling occurs after about 4 weeks, and the area where the fat was removed should appear less bulky.
People who hold their weight can usually expect lasting results. Those who gain weight after the procedure may find that their fat distribution is changing. Those who have already accumulated fat in their hips may find that their buttocks become the new problem area.

Liposuction Risks
Any major surgery carries the risk of bleeding, infection, and an unwanted response to anesthesia.
The risk of complications is usually associated with the size of the procedure and the surgeon's skills and specific training.
The following risks, unpleasant side effects or complications are possible:
* Heavy Blues: It can take several weeks.
Inflammation: The swelling can take up to 6 months to settle, and the fluid may continue to leak into incisions.
* Thrombophlebitis: A blood clot forms in a vein, causing inflammation and other complications.
* Contour irregularities: If the elasticity of the skin is poor, if the wound heals in an unusual way, or if the fat removal was irregular, the skin may appear withered, wavy or bumpy.
Numbness: The affected area may feel numb for a while, but this is usually temporary.
Infections: Rarely, a skin infection may occur after liposuction. Sometimes this needs to be treated surgically, with the risk of scarring.
* Internal organ stings: This is very rare.
* Death: Anesthesia carries a low risk of death.
* Kidney or heart problems: When fluid is injected and / or aspirated, changes in body fluid can cause kidney or heart problems.
* Pulmonary embolism: The fat gets into the blood vessels and travels to the lungs, blocking the circulation in the lungs. It can be deadly.
* Pulmonary edema: Sometimes, when the fluid is injected into the body, it builds up in the lungs.
* Allergic Reaction: The patient may be allergic to drugs or materials used during the surgery.
* Skin burns: The movement of the cannula can cause burns to nerves or nerves.

Those who are most satisfied with the results are usually those who carefully examine the pros and cons, who are informed of what to expect, who choose a qualified and experienced surgeon, and the details with their surgeon discuss.</div>

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